Friday, February 5, 2010

Schoolboy Dream Cobra Torrent Dreamt Someone's Daughter Died And People Had To Leave Shoes Behind For Her ?

Dreamt someone's daughter died and people had to leave shoes behind for her ? - schoolboy dream cobra torrent

Died in a dream of a sick young man, 11 years I think he saw that the mother, but there were many people around, I saw a group of students left their shoes on-site school
a kind gift to the girl and the child died was forced from a shoe?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol, that probably does not have any shoes HAV and people have continued bullying her ... she died, people feel sad, and give you your shoes ... jk.if heart of spirituality and everything to recognize the unbundled local loop, the shoes that symbolize something. "Walk in the skin of a person is a common expression in living the life of another person, or adjust the number of another girl will probably view.that reborn into the body of a child at random, but I used some of his earlier Remember nevr had a dream that deep, cool!

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