Monday, January 11, 2010

Early Signs Of Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms Are Difficulty Sleeping And Headaches Early Signs Of Pregnancy?

Are difficulty sleeping and headaches early signs of pregnancy? - early signs of pregnancy more condition_symptoms

If it happened before?

This also applies to other early signs of pregnancy?
If you experience any unusual symptoms or common symptoms in early pregnancy, please share their stories.

If you say, are any signs of pregnancy, if it exists, and as much detail as you know.

So, what is the best way to tell if you are pregnant AND a pregnancy test?

Thank you!


KristinS said...

My first symptom was a constant cramping in more than a week before AF is due. Usually does not begin until shortly before convulsions. I had great difficulty sleeping and wakes up too hot yet (5 weeks). I woke with a stuffy nose. I also have a small headache almost every day. Of course, my breasts hurt, but more importantly, they have also inflated. I got my first BFP 10dpo test tree deep in the cheap dollar. (Get some. I bought 10, so that I could as much as I wanted to test), even if it is an online probably correct. At 13dpo I took an EPT test (safe) and the line was super dark and appeared before the border, it is not! But in 5 weeks, I haviing occasional cramps and heaviness in the uterus. Also my breasts are still hurting really bad and they have increased by at least one cup size. Oh, did I mention exhaustion? You can not get enough sleep. Good luck to you girl! Hope you get the news you want.
PS: My husband and I think to name when our baby girl Emily! I think that the best names in the world!

KristinS said...

My first symptom was a constant cramping in more than a week before AF is due. Usually does not begin until shortly before convulsions. I had great difficulty sleeping and wakes up too hot yet (5 weeks). I woke with a stuffy nose. I also have a small headache almost every day. Of course, my breasts hurt, but more importantly, they have also inflated. I got my first BFP 10dpo test tree deep in the cheap dollar. (Get some. I bought 10, so that I could as much as I wanted to test), even if it is an online probably correct. At 13dpo I took an EPT test (safe) and the line was super dark and appeared before the border, it is not! But in 5 weeks, I haviing occasional cramps and heaviness in the uterus. Also my breasts are still hurting really bad and they have increased by at least one cup size. Oh, did I mention exhaustion? You can not get enough sleep. Good luck to you girl! Hope you get the news you want.
PS: My husband and I think to name when our baby girl Emily! I think that the best names in the world!

Amanda said...

Signs of pregnancy:
Convulsions (before Wasting Time), fatigue (he missed the beginning), headache, breast tenderness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc.

Such signs can be boring, there really is not black and white pregnancy. It is a symptom of pregnancy is a proof for himself. Most of the early signs of pregnancy, such as chest pain, fatigue and cramps are also common symptoms of PMS.

Other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting usually appear later .. approximately 6 weeks or less if you know that she is pregnant.

It sucks, but the best way to really know, is a pregnancy test. If it is too early, there is nothing that we really wait to do. I think that knowing my second choice for the best way would be a period of missed ... and only if you are fairly regular basis ...

Good luck with the results you expect:)

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