Monday, February 1, 2010

What Did You Do For Wedding Favors When Is A Good Time To Make Wedding Favors?

When is a good time to make wedding favors? - what did you do for wedding favors

Our wedding is in 3 months. (93 days, to be exact, Whoo hoo) do favor the simple M & M's wrapped in tulle. I have a plastic cup of wine and swans, and even the "glass slipper" (not sure yet, although the use of instant messaging.
When a good time, I can do to make it and out of the way? Is it too early. The chocolate is dry? How can I save?
How long before the marriage, if you, as you benefit from your sweets?


misshamm... said...

I would like to wait and take a few days before the wedding ... Friends and family should help in the situation.

And I like the idea that glass slipper! :)

Get some popcorn, vegetables, sauces, etc., and we all have a small collection for all to enjoy, without, as you have a job ... :)

hollywoo... said...

The chocolate turns white when it goes stale, so I recommend you wait a few days before his marriage. This is not the time to do anything if you ask the bridesmaids to help you. Depending on how many and where they are at the reception (with a book or in a separate table, with cakes, etc.) that you notify if you have any uniform one.

Mrs Ellis said...

I would favor a week to make a few days before the wedding, with a few friends and bridesmaids to help you. I have some things that are fun as a movie and drinks or something.

meatball's girl said...

Definitely too early. Wait until the week of marriage, the most a few days before. Invite your train more and have wine and dinner, while you benefit.

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